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Honeymoon: Friendsmoon doesn't work as well as Friendsgiving

Day 13

After another great night's sleep I made Brooke another great b-fast. I brought up my favorite cookbooks by Mark Bittman for the week, so I tried out a spanish tortilla a.k.a thinly sliced potatoes onions and eggs. The perfect light brekfast.

Brooke looking cute per the usual.

Today was really hot and windy. Being on the lake the last two days we weren't sure what to do next. 

It was windy so I towed Brooke along on the tube behind Blake's kayak.

We got bored with that quickly. 

The uncoperative weather made it one of those lazy days. 

We spent the rest of the day lounging around reading on the screen porch. 

We decided to go to the movies after a quick meal. We ate at the Black Forest in downtown Three Lakes and were utterly disspointed by the lack of German food. We had some average Wisconsin-style pizza and moved on. 

We saw our first 3D flick at the Vilas Theater in Eagle River. I was afraid it wouldn't work with my glasses, but it was actually pretty cool.

We thought we'd go out for a drink afterwards. We were excited to go to the Tiny Tap again after going on New Years. I was surprised the place was empty even during a Packer game. We chatted with the bartender for most of the evening. She said this week is the quietest week of the year as all the vacationers have gone home. 

I just love this place even when we're the only ones there.

Day 14

Having already been on the honeymoon for 2 weeks, we were ready for our friends and family to arrive. Being the last day to do whatever we liked I kayaked all the way around the entire Dog Lake.

Then we went for a brief bike ride and discussed the safest roads to bike on. 

Our neighbors sold half their land a few years ago to some Chicagoans. These Chicagoans thought they would be clever and name their land Dogwood. Had they continued down the road they would have seen we already had that name. We figured my dad didn't put the sign up this year to be nice.

Dogwood was once again ours. Next year we may just have to mysteriously take down the neighbors sign. Then they'll know you don't mess with Romeneskos. 

Then our quiet time alone ended when my parents arrived.

Gail told me that the sun was creating a red, white and blue sky.

Within minutes the sky had already changed its tune.

Mr. Mike mentioned that the moon was barely above the tree line, so we took the boat out.

I couldn't capture the moon quite right, but I loved the boat's wake on otherwise placid lake.

Then our next guests arrived. We had been talking to Tyler and Emma about coming up here for awhile now.

Day 14

In the morning we realized we didn't have a life jacket that fit the babe.

They also brought up their dog Honey who seemed afraid of getting wet at first and later swam like an otter.

I didn't get to play with my friends right away. Being the designated breakfast cook is a serious gig. While prepping a tall stack of thin crepes I thought it'd be easier to serve through the kitchen window. 

I was possessed by crepe making.

Olive was less than excited by the thin flap jacks.

After breakfast we all headed down to the lake.

Olive got to try the kayak too.

Tyler and I tested out our paddle boat skills and probably discussed moving to some far off land. Honestly I wouldn't mind living at the cottage year-round.

Honey swam after them and when she couldn't jump into the boat with them she swam back.

Olive was all, "I'm not getting in the water without a life preserver."

Tyler and I thought we'd prove our worth as men and pick up one in town.

Meanwhile Emma and I enjoyed some girl talks on the lake. 

On the way back Olive passed out.

After her brief nap we were ready for the ought-to-be-Annual, Labor Day Weekend boat ride.

Momma Gail could care less about the ride, she was obsessed with Olive.

This is my dad's favorite house. Last year it was for sale. He was really hoping to win the lottery so he could buy it. I wish I could see what the inside looked like.

Despite her look Olive really enjoyed her first boat ride.

But where are we heading


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