I don't shoot nearly enough weddings. I'm just not good at the whole marketing aspect. The one's I end up photographing are, like this one, family or through the grapevine.
This time around I'm shooting my big (little) sister's wedding to Dennis, a man I respect immensely. I got to hang out with him a few times in Chicago and then a whole week in San Jose. I really looked forward to the bachelor party with the guys and wasn't disappointed.
While the women got ready and after I helped setup the venue I came back to hang with the dudes and ostensibly get dressed. As you can see above we drank some beer and booze and shot the shit.
My big brother, Colin, was the officiant and was really excited for his parking pass that was included with his ordination packet.
All the women involved in the wedding gathered into Katie's room to get our hair done. Olive was just there to entertain us.
And the bride is ready.
At some point we had to take taxis the mile or so up Wabash to the Chicago Veterans Memorial.
My goal was to make the men look bad ass. I think I succeeded.
Once everyone arrived we stood around for a bit.
It was a hot day I was glad it was shady in the ceremony spot.
It was a hot day I was glad it was shady in the ceremony spot.
My sisters matron of honor, Sam, took charge while my broham got lost in the moment.
A candid of my dad and aunt and Vahan insisting I take a proper portrait.
Everything was ready at this point.
The bride was anxiously waiting at the top of the stairs.
The bride was anxiously waiting at the top of the stairs.
Did I mention you can't miss a moment. Thank goodness I had my bud Emma photographing with me.
My brother did a stellar job officiating and using his arms to represent marriage.
And here's my mom reading a poem followed by the sharing of vows.
My sis put the ring on the wrong finger the first time.
Kind of like Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, except for better.
My pops was clearly a happy man.
The two Paul's were killer a few days back when we played WhirlyBall.
My brother on a smoke break after working too hard during the ceremony. Then again he was just getting started. He also DJed the reception.
It was hot so everyone migrated over to the shade.
Then they made it official.
And then I took a bunch of portraits.
The family.
The dudes.
The gals.
Dennis's Grandma.
His 'rents.
Olive came by to help out her mama.
Wait where did they come from?
Wait where did they come from?
Family photo time.
It's better than Instagram.
Brooke did my job for a bit.
I can't help but take photos even when I don't have to.
I can't help but take photos even when I don't have to.
This should be in an ad for suits.
I had to share these three photos of the men. Some of my best work.
After way too many photos, but still not enough, we all headed for the reception.
The wedding party took a cab.
While Tyler and I walked with baby Olive.
While Tyler and I walked with baby Olive.
I was ready to party...
as were Tyler and O...
and Brooke...
and well you get the point.
Sam did a great job corralling everybody during the day.
Katie really chose some great women to be her bridesmaids.
Same photo from two perspectives. Look at the goofy face I'm making.
I like Katie's face more than yours Scott.
I like Katie's face more than yours Scott.
See, Sam is really helpful!
No that's you two.
No that's you two.
Scott's family loves the microphone. As you can see from our wedding.

Vahan did his thing while we ate.
Jen questioned my weird photographic timing.
My aunt and uncle with my 'rents. It was great seeing them after all this time.
These are all pretty self-explanatory.
Then the party really got started. This kid? You'll see him again.
A few more pics of Auntie Carol with the better halves.
Remember that kid I mentioned. Here he gets down with my broham.
He was awesome. I outdanced everyone there.
He was awesome. I outdanced everyone there.
They look so happy! Can't wait to visit them again.
At this point I was getting tired.
And I was just getting started. I don't think I danced this much at anyone's wedding. Even my own.
And I was just getting started. I don't think I danced this much at anyone's wedding. Even my own.
Of course we've got to feature the Cudahy crowd.
I saw my bro and sis dancing and then Dennis joined them, so I put down the camera and danced Scottie-style.
We are always getting asked if we are related.
Emma also took a break from photographing to join in on the dancing.
After what must have been four hours of dancing things finally came to an end. It was so fun, exhausting and exhilarating photographing my sister's wedding. My brother didn't do half-bad job DJing either. In fact, he kicked butt.
We helped clean up and then we part walked part took the El back to the hotel.
Walking, again? You know us.
To be continued...
Walking, again? You know us.
To be continued...